our history
Bishop Mark A. and Apostle Brenda M Williams, in the city of Fort Walton Beach, founded New Life Deliverance Temple Church in 1995. The first services were held in their home with six other families. Within a few short months the church had grown to more than twenty families, which gave rise to the need for a move to a larger facility.
The church was founded on several principles that include deliverance of individuals to allow them to gain new life and healing and restoration in their personal, as well as their family lives. We specialize in deliverance. Our vision also includes two very important goals. They are 1) to tear down the spirit of poverty within our surrounding community and, 2) to break the bands of racism within the community.
We promote spiritual as well as natural prosperity. Our vision is to be a debt-free church. This is already coming to fruition by the numerous families within our church breaking the bands of poverty and becoming homeowners, successful business owners, workforce promotions, and many other testimonies; all a work of the Almighty God. We have become a wealthy place in a land of famine. This is evident both spiritually and naturally. God's love and work is destroying the bands of racism within the community. The very property that we now own, (5 acres), was once owned by the Ku-Klux Klan. Its primary use was for their rallying and promoting hatred. We have literally gone back to the enemy's camp and taken back what belongs to God. The communities, many of them who have been in the area for years and remember the KKK rallying, have been encouraged by our presence; both Blacks and Whites.
From New Life Deliverance Temple Church, several other churches were birthed. Bishop Mark A. Williams served as Pastor until spring of 2002, at which time he was elevated to the office of Bishop. He oversees all churches under NLDTC and is the Senior Pastor of New Life Deliverance Temple Church. Apostle Brenda M. Williams served as the Co-Pastor until spring 2000 under her husband when she became the Pastor. In January 2008, she accepted the Apostolic call on her life. Together they share the vision of raising spiritual children who have a heart for the things of God, as well as for His people. They promote holiness, righteousness, and truth from the Inspired Word of God. They have a heart for His people, not only within the church, but also within the community. Their ministry reaches outside of the state and abroad. They served as pastors while stationed in New Mexico and in England. They exemplify and promote God's unconditional love.
They have a vision of a new sanctuary, daycare, secondary school, and a community outreach center on the existing property. The most important part of their vision is seeing people spiritually, emotionally, and financially free. Deliverance is a major part in the overall vision for the church. Love is the biggest. The vision has increased and continues as God elevates New Life Deliverance Temple Church under the leadership of Bishop and Apostle Williams. They are devoted to the service of God, one another, their children, their flock, and the surrounding community. This is evident throughout the congregation. The principles of the church and pastoral vision are accomplished through the empowerment of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The fulfillment of our vision will enrich the lives of all those we serve.